Monthly Archives: April 2014

Banana Bread Pancakes and Sauteed Apples

I was perusing “Freshly Pressed” blogs on WordPress when I ran across a recipe for Banana Bread Stuff Apples ( .  Sounded Yum but I would have to modify it due to nut flour and nut exact.  No Worries, I’m adaptable!  However Michael woke and wandered out to the kitchen asking “What’s for Breakfast?”  Anybody who knows him knows if you don’t put a cup of coffee in his hands and feed him immediately he’s get a bit. . .  grouchy!  LOL  So I turned the recipe I was looking at into Pancakes!  WOW!  So ymmy and loved by all the meatavores in the house!

Combine then set aside in refrigerator:

3 Tbs ground Flax seed

6 Tbs cold water

Sift together the following in a large mixing bowl:

1 1/2 c. Brown Rice Flour

1/2 c.  Coconut flour

3 tsp. baking powder

1/2 tsp sea salt finely ground

2 tsp Chair Spice Seasoning

Cream together:

1/4 c Coconut nectar sugar

1/4 c. white sugar (brown sugar works as well; 1/3 C molasses can be substituted for both coconut nectar sugar and white sugar)

6 Red Bananas, very ripeand mashed (when mine get to the point of “very ripe” instead of chucking them to the chickens I freeze them.  They defrost very quickly and are easily peeled when frozen)

1/2 c. coconut oil, melted

Flax Seed Mixture

3 Tbsp. Brandy

3/4 C Coconut Milk (Silk or SO, NOT canned)

Slice into 1/4″ slices leaving on the skin:

apples, one apple per person

When wet ingredients are completely creamed together, fold into dry ingredients.  Allow to rest while pans are getting hot.  In one saucepan, place apples on a medium low heat and allow to caramelize.  Scoop 1/2 C of batter into a seperate “fry” pan and cover allowing to cook until lovely golden brown.  Flip, cover and allow to finish cooking.  Covering causes fluffy pancakes.  Leaving them un covered they are just as good but not as fluffy.  When all pancakes are made (8 in total), top with caramelized apples and serve hot!  YUM!

Any leftover pancakes are easily preserved in the freezer between wax paper and can be easily heated on the cook top or in a toaster.