Monthly Archives: May 2014

Wilted Spinach Salad

1/4 C EVOO

1/2 lb Turkey or Vegetarian Bacon

1/2 C Feta cheese

5 C Spinach, fresh

1/4 C balsamic Vinegar

Chifinade the bacon and then brown-off in EVOO.  Place spinach in a large serving bowl; drizzle the bacon and EVOO over the spinach.  Toss with balsamic vinegar and feta.  Serve immediately.  Great summer dinner salad.  Adding boiled eggs or, for the meatavores in the house, shredded / chunked chicken breast make this a complete meal.



Chocolate Pudding

1 C  Ice

2 C Coconut milk, Vanilla (Silk or SO delicious)

6 Tbs Organic Cacao Powder

6 Tbs Organic Hemp Protein

2 Tbs Konjac Powder

1/4 Organic Honey (I use Rosemary Honey but any will do)


Blend until completely smooth.  Pour into a glass blow and chill for a couple of hours.  The Konjac powder will give it a good stiff gel but leaves it light and fluffy!