Monthly Archives: June 2014

Veggie Cutlets

This is NOT for those who react to gluten because it is extremely high in gluten!  However if you are one of us who enjoy and can tolerate gluten, this is a GREAT vegetarian recipe for adding a bit more protein into one’s diet!

2 C Chick Peas beans (soaked over night in a cold water)

1 1/2 C Cold Water

3 Tbs Braggs Aminos

3 Tbs Chicken broth powder

1 Tbs Oriental Five Spice seasoning

2 Tbs Garlic Powder

3 C Vital Wheat gluten (bobs red mills is what I use)

Blend all but the Wheat Gluten together until thoroughly smooth.  Place in a large mixing bowl and then work the Wheat Gluten into the Chick Pea mixture.  This will be quite stiff.  Take your time and work in all the gluten.  Place Gluten in a loaf pan and bake at 350F for 45 – 50 minute if you are below 3000 ft in elevation.  We are at 6500 feet and this took an hour and a half to get a lovely golden hue.  When the loaf  is cool to the touch, using a serrated knife, slice into 16 or 17 pieces, about 1/4″ thick.  Simmer in your favorite broth for 20 minutes and serve quite warm.  Green Salad with mashed or baked potatoes with a gravy made from the simmering brother is a great accompaniment.